Harnessing the Australian Model: Assessing the Potential Benefits and Challenges for UK Pensions
Private pension investment. I would guess few areas of public policy are more dull and more tedious sounding. Defence has its expensive toys, albeit years late and billions over budget; climate change has its apocalyptic consequences; even labour market policies, another dry subject, cover the employment rights and protections we can enjoy in work. It may be only somewhat hyperbolic to suggest that discussions on defined contribution vs benefit schemes and investable start-up assets could lull a baby into a deep, relaxing sleep. Nonetheless, the issue has risen up the political agenda in recent months, with both the Chancellor and Shadow Chancellor stressing the importance of getting British pension funds to invest more in UK assets, particularly riskier, small companies. In fact, the former of the two, Jeremy Hunt, has been holding talks with various industry titans to help draw up a series of reforms to be presented at tomorrow’s Mansion House dinner.